Matt Denison

Posts Tagged ‘Gay Pride’

Well… I wasn’t surprised.

In Celebrities, Gay on 03/30/2010 at 12:17 pm

We all knew this was coming (if you didn’t you’re probably blind and deaf). I felt like a kid from my high school FINALLY came out, one who you always suspected to be gay. Well ladies and gentlemen, Ricky Martin is now saying ‘I am a homosexual man.’ I for one, can predict this years gay pride will be bigger and better as Ricky Martin’s coming out is not something that should go uncelebrated.

Now after collecting the public’s attention it would be a shame for Mr. Martin not to release a new album as every gay man in this country would be lining up at FYE, Best Buy, and eagerly loading iTunes to download the latest Latin Pop tunes. I look forward to it, Ricky, this summers dance tunes better be great!

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