Matt Denison

Archive for July, 2011|Monthly archive page

Revamp the blog?

In Uncategorized on 07/30/2011 at 12:52 pm

It’s been almost 8 months since I’ve last written. I, A. finally have internet in the apartment I’m subleting this summer (for the next few days) and B. don’t have as much time, obviously, as I use to when I was taking a semester off from school living in Upstate New York.

This summer has been incredible though… I got to go to San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Anaheim. I worked at a place called ‘Patsy’s Pizzeria,’ on W. 23rd btwn 8 & 9. I have a great new apartment with my friend Cathy in Clinton Hill (we’re both looking to get a Persian kitty, wantz!). I also was featured in Seventeen magazine online with my friend Sam, thanks to his internship at Swagger NYC.

But as this semester at Pratt gets dauntingly closer… I’m hoping to reorganize my life so that I have more time for you, me, and better planned time for doing school work (staying up three nights a week is no longer acceptable).