Matt Denison

Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page

1950’s Housewife taking LSD

In Drugs on 01/17/2011 at 12:30 pm

I found this on stumbleupon today, haha.


America: We Bleed Oil Pt. I

In Film on 01/16/2011 at 6:30 pm

My film I made w/ my friend at Pratt, which includes some really rare footage of Marilyn Monroe! Click here to watch!


A five minute film exemplifying the pressures, demands, and ideals American society unrealistically holds for it’s citizens. Lady Columbia (i.e. Miss America) traditionally represents the feminine personification of America, who is typically represented in early 20th century war posters pleading for American men to fight for their country. This film describes the brutal truths of the contemporary Lady Columbia, Miss America.

My hot Grandparents

In Photography on 01/13/2011 at 12:23 am

My hot Grandparents is a Tumblr I found (click here) where people can upload vintage photographs of their Grandparents studding their stuff. I like the idea of ‘resparking’ their image on the digital world (ha), a vice for vanity our dear Grandparents didn’t get to experience. Upload some pictures of you hot Grandparent! I can’t get enough of vintage home photographs!