Matt Denison

Posts Tagged ‘actresses’

Now, Voyager

In Bette Davis, Film on 02/19/2010 at 6:36 pm

I know I’ve already written a post about Bette Davis’ famed role in Now, Voyager but I had to write about it again! So, as I said before, this was a film that made me SOB, fortunately, I’m not crazy, and the film is known for doing that. Interestingly enough it was an acting technique Bette Davis used to make everyone cry as she portrayed a 30-ish year old spinster aunt named Charlotte Vale. Not once did Davis sob in the film, maybe a few tears here and there, but nothing like you see in today’s films where the actress looks like she should be put away for her over-emotional tendencies. Instead of Davis crying, she let you cry for her. By not allowing her character to cry, Davis portrayed her character as very solid, understanding, and hopeful as she never resorted to the tendencies of today’s contemporary actresses…I highly recommend seeing this film as it’s probably Davis’ second best film (next to All About Eve).


In Uncategorized on 02/19/2010 at 5:40 pm

Last summer I came across a series that photographer Richard Avedon did for Blackglama Fur and I bought a few of the images off of eBay, which has quite a few for sale. Here are two that I bought of Barbara Stanwyck and Joan Crawford. I have another one of Lauren Bacall but I can’t find it on the web right now… enjoy!